Digital platforms are part of the implementation of the digital master plan (SDN) adopted by the ministry, which consists of 7 strategic axes, 16 strategic programs, and 102 operational programs to be completed by December 2024. All of this is aimed at facilitating the success of students in various stages of their university curriculum, from orientation to obtaining their degree and entering the job market, while also promoting pedagogical innovation and modernization of governance in its various aspects.

Visit on the ministry’s website:

Axis 2: Digital Technology Serving a Coherent Training Offer

Platform “ALUMNI”

Positions held by alumni, opportunities available to students, such as immersive internships…

PROGRES Schooling Platform

Students schooling management.

Axis 3: Digital Support for Student Success

Online Courses Platform MOOC

Uses the Moodle platform.

Students Ask Platform

Questions asked by students or any person interested in education within higher education institutions.

Axis 4: Digital Technology in Support of Research Activities.

Medical Publications Platform

Algerian platform for medical field publications.

Research Projects Repository

Collaborative Platform Supporting Innovation

Startup Creation Platform

Axis 5: Digital Technology Supporting Modern Administration

Axis 7: National and International Relations

Publications Platform PULQUE

Includes the reviews, articles, and publications.

Management of International Students

Management of Training Programs.

ONOU Platforms

Transport Platform

Accommodation Platform